Poor Matthew!
Mandie is a very loving sister. She truly loves her brother! Any time she pays him any attention at all he is just grinning from ear to ear, which leads me to believe that he really loves her too. It is so amazing to see your kids loving each other, and to know that they will know each other longer than they know anyone else on earth. Crazy. Anyway, yesterday they were in the sunroom together. Mandie was playing and Matthew was in his little bouncer just vibrating away while I was in the kitchen cutting up some fruit (the kitchen opens into the sunroom, so I was really close by) I went out there to check on them and Mandie had her juice cup upside down and she was patting the nozzle on her little table which was letting juice leak out all over the table. I explained that juice is for drinking and put her in a time out so that she would understand that that is just not what we do with our juice. While she was sitting in time out I went in there to clean up the juice and when I passed by little Matthew I bent over to talk to him and smile at him. At that point, I noticed that his hair looked weird. It looked like it had gotten wet, and had already dried. I smelled his hair and quickly realized that Mandie had been poking him with her juice nozzle and apple juice (mixed with water) was leaking out all over his head. Then, apparently she had roughed it up a bit with her little hand. Matthew apparently did not mind this at all. He never made a peep. My bet is that he was smiling the whole time. Anyway, I took a picture of his little head, but it really does no justice to what his hair looked like:

Also, we use mostly cloth diapers with Matthew and the other day I had them out drying on a clothes line in the back yard, it was kinda cute so I took a pic. I also snapped a picture of Scout:

Have a nice day!
I cannot tell you how many times I have done the same thing. I was talking to Paul on the phone (the one attached to the wall so I could not move to stop what I saw happening) and I saw Alyssa with the booggie sucker trying to get Caleb's Boogers. I yelled right in Paul's ear!! I am sure we will both have many more stories. :) They grow up way to fast. I wish they would stay little for a lot longer.