No Toys in the Potty!
Well Hello! It's been a few days, and I've got some stuff to blog about. First of all, CONGRATULATIONS to my dear cousins Casey and Kristen for the healthy arrival of their twins Emma and Noah! They are so sweet and so cute and so wonderful! Praise God!
Secondly, I recently changed the name of my blog to "As the Mop Flops". So here's the explanation for that. I have developed a special place in my heart for Luke's sweet Grand Mother. We call her 'Gran' now that she has great grand babies. During one of mine and Mandie's visits to her place, she was telling me stories about when she was raising her babies . . . and she mentioned that she and her friends would sometimes watch 'As the World Turns', but they called it 'As the Mop Flops'. Since this blog is just a mix of random events and thoughts and memories, I thought that this would work. Thanks Gran!!
Third, THANKS MOM for going on a shopping spree with me!!! I'm so excited and so thankful! I love you very much!! Here's a sweet picture of you and Mandie:

Fourth, here are some more sweet pics of my babies with some stories of their own:
This was Mandie playing baby with Daddy. He was exhausted, and trying to take a nap on the couch . . . I guess she thought he needed company!

This was Mandie with her new back pack on, wearing her brother's knitted hat (she loves his hats!), and talking on her cell phone. To me she looks like she should be on 'The Amazing Race'!
This was Mandie playing the other night, I like her neck in this picture . . . I guess that's a weird thing to like, but I can't help it, I like all of her!
This was the day that Mandie decided that Elmo needed to go potty!!!!!!! Ahhhhhhh!! What a gross disaster. Anyway, Elmo then got a bath, Mandie got a time out, and Elmo went bye bye for like three days. No Toys In the Potty!!
Some baby Matthew Pics:

Mandie holding Matthew:

Matthew trying to latch on to Mandie:
And finally, here are some pictures of my AWESOME husband:
Here are my guys! I know, so handsome!!
This was Luke when he was like two and a half. Mandie looks a lot like him! What a cutie!!
Secondly, I recently changed the name of my blog to "As the Mop Flops". So here's the explanation for that. I have developed a special place in my heart for Luke's sweet Grand Mother. We call her 'Gran' now that she has great grand babies. During one of mine and Mandie's visits to her place, she was telling me stories about when she was raising her babies . . . and she mentioned that she and her friends would sometimes watch 'As the World Turns', but they called it 'As the Mop Flops'. Since this blog is just a mix of random events and thoughts and memories, I thought that this would work. Thanks Gran!!
Third, THANKS MOM for going on a shopping spree with me!!! I'm so excited and so thankful! I love you very much!! Here's a sweet picture of you and Mandie:
Fourth, here are some more sweet pics of my babies with some stories of their own:
This was Mandie with her new back pack on, wearing her brother's knitted hat (she loves his hats!), and talking on her cell phone. To me she looks like she should be on 'The Amazing Race'!
Some baby Matthew Pics:

Matthew trying to latch on to Mandie:
And finally, here are some pictures of my AWESOME husband:

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