Oh Yeah!!

Almost forgot! My midwife came by last week and we determined that at that time I was right around 15 weeks, which puts me at 16 weeks now, which means I am due somewhere around May 20.  :) Luke and I have decided to wait and find out if it's a girl or boy when it's born.

Praise the Lord for the work He of His hands as He knits this little one together!!


  1. exciting yet again...so we are 4 weeks apart!! more like 2 with me lol

  2. Oh, Friend! That is so exciting!!!! I love that you are waiting to find out the sex. May the Lord just bless the knitting of that precious one!!!

  3. yay for NOT a JUNE baby! :) love this. i love you and your family. MIss you! let's hang out soon!


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