Attitude Adjustment

Well, you might think from the title of this post I am going to vent about my 4 1/2 year old, or maybe the almost 3 year old.


I've got the attitude problem around here. I think it comes from some kind of inward struggle I am having. I have felt the call from the Lord, I know what His plans are for me and for this family. I know that homeschooling is the journey we will take. But I am feeling the pressure from the world to make my life look like the other young mom's I know. I am feeling the pressure to make my kids "fit in" with the other kids around. I am struggling to keep my focus on the only thing that matters, loving and obeying the Lord. I am feeling a sense of failure because I know to "succeed" at being like every one else is to fail at fullfilling God's call on me.

When I step back, way back, and consider life I realize that things that are not in the Bible just don't matter. The Bible did not instruct us to send our kids to public school. For that matter, the Bible has a lot of negative things to say about the knowledge from the world. The Bible does not teach us to make ourselves and our families great, but it teaches us to make ourselves less.

I guess the ultimate issue going on in my heart, is the division I feel. Part of my heart wants to do what God wants me to do, but my "sinful nature" has such a strong influence over me, telling me to judge myself and my kids by the worlds standards. Hopefully just the awareness of the struggle will keep on the straight and narrow!

It reminds me of the song:

This world is not my home,
I'm just a passing through
If Heaven's not my home,
then, Lord what will I do?
The angels beckon me
to Heaven's open door.
And I can't feel at home
In this world anymore.

And now I am feeling the blessed assurance that with Christ comes freedom. Freedom from the demands, pressures, and critical eye of the world. Freedom to make serving God my only concern. Freedom to find peace and rest in Him.

“The Bible makes no room for the idea of the secular. In biblical worldview, there is only the sacred and the profane, and the profane is just the sacred abused, unkempt, trampled down, trivialized, turned inside out. It is just the holy treated in an unholy way.” ~Buchanan


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