Baby News and Picture Day!!

Well, yesterday evening I had an appointment with my midwife.

Heartrate ~ check

Pee stick ~ check

Blood pressure ~ check

Measurement of uterus ~ baby has dropped!

Palpatation to determine position of baby ~ baby has dropped on top of his fist which is now stuck on top of his head!

This, my dear friends, is not what the impending laborer wants to hear. This, my friends, is what causes long . . . oh so long. . . labors that are sort of "on again off again" do to uneven pressure caused by that little hand! And this, friends, is known to lead to tears during birth (not always, but often). So, my midwife is coming over on Monday to try to get that sweet little fist OUT OF THE WAY! Before the contractions come rolling in. My prayer is that it works. Please let that be your prayer as well!!

On another note, we had a photographer over today to take pictures of M & M & M. She did such a great job interacting with the kids, getting great shots of them, and being a very happy person to be around. Later tonight, I met her out on a country road to get some belly pictures of just me. (Mandie was there too, but she's a little bit more rock n' roll than she is country, so she just played in the car while I got out into the wheat fields. Occassionally I would hear her call out, "Mommy, I'm ready to go get a drink!").

I'm really excited to see how the pictures turned out. Her name was Leah, and her website is She's awesome!


  1. Cassie,
    I hope she can fix it before things get going and that it does fix. I will be hoping for the best.


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