Happy Birthday Mandie!
Last Sunday we celebrated Mandie's 3rd birthday! Luke and I gave her swim lessons for her birthday which she did at ATC. She FINALLY learned to put her face in the water and blow bubbles out of her nose! HOORAY!! Also, she floated on her back and learned to make strokes with her hands and kick her feet in the water (but not at the same time). She was SCARED to death of jumping into the pool, I guess we'll have to work on that this summer. Mandie is getting to be such a big girl!! I can't believe it. Here's a little word to the wise by the way, if your child's actual birthday does not fall on the day of the party (which Mandie's didn't), just pretend like the party day is the birthday-day (which we did not) it could save days of anticipation and confusion for the poor child! Anyway, Mandie wanted a Little Mermaid party. So we made Little Mermaid invitations, and ordered a Little Mermaid cake (which barely made it to the party), and Mandie got lots of WONDERFUL little mermaid toys (along with a bunch of other GREAT toys and outfits). We celebrated at Medi-Park. We had cake and juice (but no candles because it was just too darn windy!) We fed the ducks, and we played on the playground. Mandie has told me several times since then that she wants to have another party, and invite ________ (insert a long list of every person in attendance at her party). I have assured her that we will have another party for her when she turns 4. Here are some pictures from the blessed event! (These pictures are in no particular order, blogger's not letting me cut and paste them . . . sorry!)
Wow what a great cake!! Happy 3rd Birthday Miss Mandie :)