In December of 2015, I was invited on a mission trip to San Carlos, Sonora with a group of fellow Christians from Indiana. That trip was life-changing for me and awoke in me a desire to do more for God in my life. That trip prompted my family and I to sell off all we owned and head down to Mexico. Wanting to be 'tent-makers' like the apostle Paul, we happily accepted any help anyone offered, but wanted to also work for ourselves too.
The Lord carried our family faithfully through the 2 years of full-time ministry and we had much help from our parents, friends and family. Knowing we would have to return to the States for our 'home base' was a bit bittersweet for me, but it has worked out wonderfully for the past few months. In October, I was able to travel to the YWAM base in Mazatlan, Sinaloa to help work on the construction of new dorms and classrooms. Brent, the base director, has a vision to train 1,000 missionaries in that's a mission I can get behind!
When the opportunity rose again to rejoin my friends back in San Carlos, I jumped at the opportunity. The plan was to continue our main eye clinic in the nearby town of Guaymas, and to get a few docs together to reach out to a small indian village nearby, Potam. Having experienced the clinic Guaymas 2 years earlier, I was asked to set up a matching clinic in Potam. I went with Brittany, an optometrist currently in residency and we took a crew to Potam.
What a joy it was to be a part of a team bringing the Good News to those that need it! We saw so many people in need, and were able to help most of them. Those that needed eye surgery or special order lenses were placed on a list, and the Village Church of Dyer, Indiana ( have pledged to raise the money to provide ongoing care for them. It was also such an honor to work alongside such men and women of Christ.
We had the wonderful opportunity to stay at Art and Brenda Koenes' place: Casa De Esperanza again.
We would leave each morning about 7:30 a.m. and drive about an hour and a half to Potam, and would see around 60 patients per day. The Guaymas clinic would see around 100 per day, making a total of 160 people per day that were hearing the Good News of hope in our Savior Jesus Christ!
Lord willing, I'll be headed back with a group of Amish builders to Mazatlan in mid-February. Until then, I have found plenty of fill-in work here in the States. God is so very faithful.
"Father, thank you for the richness and the blessings that you offer to your children. Thank you for the opportunity and the ability to serve in places where the people need to hear your Word. Thank you for your faithfulness, your grace, your mercy, and your forgiveness. May we continue to fight the Good Fight, and win as many as possible."
Checking the health inside a woman's eyes |
Informing a man that he needed surgery to see again, and that we would be honored to show him the love of Jesus by paying his bill. |
People waiting in school desks to see the doctors...some for 6 hours. |
Checking the pupils on a patient. I'd ask them to look at my 'big beautiful nose'! |
The Doctors! We had such a wonderful time, and so much help. There were around 45 others from the USA church and 60 from the local church. What a blessing to be part of the Body at Work! |
Patients waiting to be seen at the church. |
They were lines up outside the church as well. |
The beautiful Tetakawi outside San Carlos. |
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