Mission Life Update

Life here at JUCUM Guadalajara is settling in to a nice pace. The kids and I have found a school routine that accommodates all our needs. They have resumed their gymnastics classes twice a week. We have started a weekly playdate on Saturday mornings which helps fill in some much needed time with friends, and we have implemented 'Family Fun Night' on Friday nights. Last week Marcus accidentally called Friday night 'Happy Kids Night' which made us feel great about the whole thing! We have found a church home that has a small group of young kids (mostly boys), and a women's Bible study I have been able to attend. I even found an organic market on Tuesdays (clearly the Lord loves me!!)  Luke is officially on staff here at the campus. Generally, he can be found doing something plumbing related (the fountain, the well, or the leaks), or computer related (the website, the printers, or the troubleshooting).  Most of my time is spent tending to the needs of the kids and the house. Last week I was able to make about 40 beanbags for the kids in Chapicolte (and some for my little hijos as well). I feel blessed to be able to take part in the kids ministry in Chapicolte, but lately I have really been convicted that my mission field right now is in my own home, with my own children.  The more I lean into what God wants from me during this season of our lives, the more I feel called to my 'domestic duties' as a wife and mother. It's amazing to me how the Lord uses the simplicity of being a wife and mother to draw out conversations that lead to Him.

On Tuesday I had all the children with me to take Mandie to her gymnastics class, and a woman approached me to ask the same four questions I seem to be asked everywhere I go: "Are all of these little blondies yours?", "Are you going to have any more?", "Do you live here?", "What brought you here?" At which point I was able to say how blessed I am by God to have all of these kiddos, and that I don't know if I'll be blessed with more or not. Then I get to tell them that we are living here at the mission because the Lord called my husband and I out here for the purpose of "knowing God better, and making Him known" (as they YWAMers say). It turned out that the woman I was speaking with was a Christian, and I believe that God was glorified in our interaction.

I hope the Lord will allow me and the kids more opportunities to give Him glory and to shine a light to Him as we school, work, and play here in Chapala. I hope I will be brave to point to Him every chance I get.

Luke's life as a missionary is probably much more 'missionary-like' than mine. He regularly leads worship here on campus, and he has even led worship at the rehabilitation center down the road. He attends / leads Bible meetings, gives his testimony, attends prayer meetings, and helps make future plans for this campus. He also works very hard to maintain the campus in the form of yard work, carpentry, mechanics, cooking, cleaning, etc. He is a hard working man, and I know there is nothing he wouldn't do. He is God's 'man on the ground' and I'm so proud to be his wife.

Right now our campus is sort of at a crossroads. The staff is new, the ideas are fresh, the calendar is flexible, and we are looking up to see what the Lord has for us and this place. We are wanting to fulfill the plans he has here, and we hope we hear a clear direction that we are all in agreement on as far as what our time, resources, energy should be spent on. Please pray that the Lord would use us to do His work, and that we would all be in agreement on what the future holds for this place. Also please pray that we would have the strength and courage to carry out the plans He has.

I am so grateful to be living this life that I have. I believe in my heart this is what the Lord wants from me, and I am relieved that my life is not contradicting my beliefs about God's will. I have lived with the contradiction before, and it was torture! He has freed me to live for Him, what a good God we have! Blessings to you all back home!!


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