
Well, I had an appointment with my midwife yesterday, this baby has dropped, and could come at any time. I am almost ready for birth. Although there are a few things I would like to check off my list first: Organize sewing stuff Dust house Wrap up school, organize school room Detail master bath Finish planting outside Luke's show on Friday I hope I get it all done in time, if not I am sure it will all work itself out. I can't wait to find out if this little kick-boxer is a girl or boy. And I am really looking forward to birth coming and going. It seems like the whole family feels some sort of tension...like we all know there is about to be a big change, but we don,t know exactly when or exactly what it will be like. Though we are all looking forward to it, change can be rough. Anyway, this pregnancy is quickly coming to an end, I am so grateful to have carried to full term, and still praying for a happy, healthy little bundle coming soon!


  1. My friend!!! I am so excited! I look forward to hearing the great news!!! I love you, Friend!!!

  2. Yay, that is exciting! I will be thinking about you, and praying for a safe, textbook delivery....and that your midwife gets there in time. :) Blessings to y'all!

  3. so excited for you and jelious LOL. Hope it is as easy for you as always and cant wait to see who is in there too. Let me know if you need anything I would love to help out...We also need a play date before these two new babies get here! I would love to see you and help walk that baby out.

  4. Very excited for you. Wishing you all the best and praying for a safe and speedy delivery!

  5. So excited for you guys! Can't wait to here if it is a boy or girl. Praying for you and that baby.


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