This is my new favorite thing!

For those of you who have not had the opportunity to experience arthritis, you may not have the same appreciation for a mini tramp as I do. But let me tell you, it feels awesome! I can do things on my mini tramp that I just can't do on the ground! I can run!! I can jump!! I can do the twist!! AND, I think my kids have added about two hours of exercise/week to their life (which is the minimum recommendation FYI).
So, if you like to work out I would highly recommend the $30 investment! (This one came from Walmart). Or, if you know of anyone with arthritis . . . young or old, get them one for crying out loud!
Cassie, When Alyssa was very young (about 2 or 3), we invested in one of these and got one for Sandy's parents also because Sandy's dad had a bad back. They didn't sell them at WalMart then - it was one of those deals where someone sells them to you. Anywho one of the selling points for me was it helped children learn (stimulating the brain etc.) So Alyssa learned her alphabet jumping on the mini tramp. We had flash cards and sang and the whole nine yards. I do credit the mini tramp for promoting her intelligence so try it with your kiddos. (I was totally convinced that I had ruined her because I put her in a walker and she never crawled and was sure she would have some sort of reading disability.) Surely there is some research somewhere on the Internet similar to the info I had some 30 years ago. Gay